Thursday, 23 January 2014


I have taken the topic Life to start with because we often have read and heard about it a lot, but  the fact is we don't listen. I have seen many individuals who give advises regarding life to many  but when they face any problem in their life they forget what they advise to many people. The problem is we still haven't realized the deep- or inner meaning of life. The main culprit for this is today's so called busy life. We don't have time to think about think about our deeds think about what we are doing. We just live life according to a particular timetable and when we face any problem which we never think of ..we just tend to get depressed. I have also faced similar problems  and I know most of us have faced or still are facing such problems. The first and foremost thing to be kept in our mind is that every problem has its own solution. But most of the times we are not able to find a solution because we don't want to get out of our comfort zone and when we solve any problem within our comfort zone, it's actually half solved, it may return as an even bigger problem in near future.
So as my Topic suggest live life in such a way that life has a crush upon you. We should not blame a day in our life because every day is a gift of the God. God has a purpose for each and every thing. Good days will give you happiness and bad days will give you experience. Its  upon us how we live it .
In our life we all have unkept promise, a dream which cannot be fulfilled, unforgettable incidents and unheard request but  we should move on. We don't know what god has in store for us. His plans are much better than our dreams.
Live life by thinking that there is no tomorrow. Everything has to be done today. Constantly move forward and appreciate the motivation for your existence.It has cause, it has meaning, it has purpose, it has reason, so never give up and never look back. Even if we are busy in our life, we should take at least 10 minutes in a day to access our mind. It is much better than a hour long counselling .
To sum it up, life is the biggest platform to prove us, our abilities, our personality, the only condition to do so is judge your life not others !!